State Acquisition Of 57 Acres To Add To Haley State Farm Park

(Following announcement was issued by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and GOSA.)

HARTFORD, June 3, 2002–The State of Connecticut (DEP) has completed purchase of 49.95 acres from the Guerra-DeAngelis Trustees, and 7.14 acres from Bowen Briggs, to add to Haley Farm State Park. The deeds were recorded at Groton Town Hall on May 28, 2002.

These lands are located between Fitch Senior High School and the existing Haley Farm State Park.

These acquisitions come 32 years after the purchase by the State of 200 acres from A.C. White for Haley Farm State Park in 1970. The 50 acres that belonged to the O&G Construction Co. of New Haven were intended to be purchased as part of the park at that time, but negotiations were not completed.

Groton Open Space Association has a long history of involvement in Haley Farm, including spearheading a successful fund drive in the 1960s that led to the establishment of the State Park. Since 1985, GOSA with DEP approval, has contracted and paid a farmer annually to mow the fields. Since 1970, the group has been an active advocate at both town and state levels for completion of the open space purchases at the park. …

GOSA is very grateful for the Guerra-DeAngelis, Briggs acquisitions, and for the State’s Recreation and Natural Heritage Trust Program, which made these purchases possible.

For further information, please call: Connie Kisluk, DEP–(860) 424-3070 or Priscilla Pratt, President, GOSA–(860) 536-6376/ 536-9243.