Story about Alice

“Alice is 11. We have known her parents since before she was born.  She and her Mom came over this afternoon, July 27, 2021. Her mom, Lisa, handed me a large heavy bag of coins ($48) collected by Alice’s Jr youth group. A friend walking by heard me read this letter and clapped with nodding head as well. What a delight!!” – Sidney

The JFEC is the Jewish Federation of Eastern Ct. Junior Youth Group made up of about 10 children between the ages of 10 to 14. They usually meet once a month for outside activities, but during COVID19 it was weekly by Zoom. Their last fun gathering was at the home of their leader who said “Alice asked everyone to make a donation for GOSA”.

Unfortunately Alice and her parents are relocating to Santa Cruz, California, leaving the first week of August.

Read Alice’s Letter